Concept statement.

Braces are good because:
they challenge the stereotype that Americans
believe; 'all' British people have bad teeth.



Good is...

What is good?

Design for Print Workshops with Mike.

When I say I am surprised how helpful I am finding these workshops, I don't mean that in a bad way because I knew they would be helpful but I have literally never taken so many notes in a set of workshops, they not only have taught me about designing for print on the mac, they have also made me love colour more...

During the first workshop, focusing on illustrator, when we were given the time to experiment with tints and transparencies, I did this:
It is quite a quick example but I think it shows how you can uses tints and transparents to create more colours and save money. Plus, I think it looks nice :)

Photoshop workshop: Duotone.

I didn't previously know how to do this, so I was definately glad to find that out.

Type Workshop.

So far, I have found the type workshops with Graham quite interesting.
The first workshop was looking at the personality in typefaces i.e. the weight, the typeface and position. Although I did find it quite useful, everyone in the class seemed to do the same sort of thing so I personally found the second workshop more beneficial.

Playing around with how you read something:
We read left to right, so the challenge with the first set of images was to make the sentence 4,3,2,1 read - 1,2,3,4 without changing the order of the words.

I thought this simple one changing the weight of one typeface worked quite well, however the two and three don't have much difference.

I think this one works slightly better in terms of how you read it but I think the first example looks visually more interesting.

This is quite similar to the one above, but in my opinion it works slightly better how the words are still kept on a straight line.

With this I tried to challenge myself by only moving the position of the words and nothing else; I don't think it is very effective and looks quite bland.

The layout of this one is the same as the previous one but by changing the position of the words and weight, It seems to make it more successful.

Here, we were supposed to take a proverb and move the text around but still make it read in the correct order.
I'm not sure if the above example works, it works for me but I think that might just be because I have done it so I'm biased.

This one works better in my opinion, although it isn't very challenging because the words are still somewhat in order I think it is visually engaging and read correctly.


As I previously mentioned, I wasn't happy with 2 of my postcards so I decided to re-do them.

No more than 3 Colour (+ stock) vectorised word:
I feel that the re-do of the word not only looks better, but is also a better reflection of my style of work. Still, both words are relevant to my summer.

2 Colour (+ stock) Logo:
When we did the presentation I was told that my other Motown logo looked just liked the Norwich Union the top of my head, I had no idea what that looked liked, but I figured it wasn't a good thing! I thought about it more and reverted back to the 'style' of my initial ideas for the logo. I wanted to create something that wouldn't look out of place on a t-shirt, cd or a website but it also needed to look....better?
I vectorised an image of Stevie Wonder (when he was young and singing for motown) and went from there really, I have to say, I am really happy with the end design and I think the colours look better.

I then went on to just place the logo onto a vinyl, just to see how it would look in context.
Regardless of anything else, I think it looks a Lot better than the first logo lol.

Edit 29th October: I went to see a Motown show last night called 'Dancing on the Streets', and the majority of the lighting was purple and turquoise/aqua blue (I never know what to call that colour), So needless to say, I was happy with my colour choices!

Summer Postcards

4 Postcards based on our summer work:

Full Colour Image:

1 Colour (+ stock) Pictogram:

The pictogram that I created for "Picking Rasberries" was my personal favourite, I feel the placement on the page along with the line weight etc. make it visually interesting but it also conveys the message clearly.

2 Colour (+ stock) Logo:

No more than 3 Colour (+ stock) Vectorised word:

I'm not really happy with the word or the logo,
however I didn't have time to change them before the presentation.
I do intend to re-do them simply to make myself happier.