Final 4 Animations -

Personally, I do like this last one, but I'm not sure how well it communicates 'Confused' now that it has been condensed to 5 seconds. I feel I could have made it more successful if I'd had longer...

5 seconds too long...

The idea that I had hear, was way too long to squeeze into 5 seconds without it going too fast and not making sense, so just for an experiment I extended it to 10 seconds...and then when it comes to the 5 second version, I intend to cut out the beginning with all the bouncy balls.

I exported just the 'bouncy balls' at first, just so I had it to keep.


After Effects experiments.

First attempt at doing the 'moving along a path'. Its pretty bad! But I'm glad I know how to do it.

This one is my first attempt at doing the stop motion / sequence thing that Mike showed us, it didn't really work very well once I put it with the letterforms but once again, I'm glad I actually tried to do it because I'm more likely to remember!

After Effects workshop 1

This is what I did in the first after effects workshop with Mike, at the time I was like "Wow! Look what you can do!" Now...its more like "Wow, this is awful" haha.