This was good because not only did it mean that I had to have the work done by a certain time - it actually made me feel quite organised!
Then came a slight problem.
As I was printing onto acetate - on the test that I did, the ink gave the stock a certain texture and seemed like it could be scratched off quite easy.
To overcome this, I simply reflected the artwork so that when it was printed and made up - the ink would on the inside of the box and therefore wouldn't scratch off easily.
BUT. The mock ups that I did we using acetate from the library which is 100% transparent, like glass...I did not realise that the acetate in the digital dungeon wasn't the same.
Resulting problem? When I turned the acetate over, to reveal the artwork the right way was really faded, the colours weren't as vivid as I wanted and it made it even harder to read.
Thankfully, I was booked in - so I had time to print them again. phew.
The images below show the different between the side with the ink on (bright, vivid), and the other side (dull, faded).

I think the type works really well on a transparent stock -

Then with the prints that actually Did work - I needed to print them out to the right size and layout etc.
Below shows how I did it...(attached the acetate to a blank layout).

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