Final 4 Animations -

Personally, I do like this last one, but I'm not sure how well it communicates 'Confused' now that it has been condensed to 5 seconds. I feel I could have made it more successful if I'd had longer...

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you have used different fonts effectively but simply in the first sequence, and the clever use of your word confused, mixing it up with focused in the 3rd one. The simple details you have added show lots of thought and effort have gone into this, such as the highlight on the red balls on the 4th sequence. My favourite has to be the 2nd one, however, which to me stands out from the rest because of the initial simple concept and clever use of the one extra colour to create an image as well as type. So in terms of effective communication of the word, visual quality and technical execution - it has it all.

    Overall all four definitely use the meaning of confused effectively, and even your practise ones below show you have certainly got a lot out of using After Effects and have a good technical understanding.
