Thankfully it happened at this stage and not right near the end of the module, so now I do actually have time to address the problem!
Overall - they didn't work as well as I had hoped, as a basic tag they are ok - but I think they could be developed a lot more. They could be more interactive and just generally more interesting to look at.

The above tag was the most basic layout - just printed front and back folded in the middle. It works ok and gets the message across - just a bit bland.

If I was to develop the above idea of having it like a mini booklet - I would of course have to either put something on the other 'pages' or colour them black. Its a little more interesting than the first idea but still not great...

The final idea looks the most interesting, but technically as a swing tag - its unlikely that someone would remove the swing tag and bother to open it like this to display it anywhere, so it is kind of pointlessly interesting.
As I mentioned in a previous post the red type I used for the band info is definately an issue - on this print its obviously hard to read because the ink didn't lay well on the used but I think it would be a problem no matter what stock I used.
I definately want to work more on these...
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