Audience Profile...

Digital interactivity...
Kleenex are already doing this to an extent, by having a very interactive website in terms of survey's, quizzes and 'share you story' sections etc.
Although I think this fun and interesting; people don't usually go on specific tissue brand websites...I only went on it because of this brief.
Below are a few examples of things you do on the site;
Share your story -
- Add images
- Put it into categories.
- People then read your story and rate it by 'giving you a kleenex'

Find out why letting it out is good for you.
Take a 'test'.
Answer the survey - How often do you cry?
- Once a day.
- Once a week.
- Once a month.
- I never cry.

1. 'Colour your emotions' - Explore the relationship between colours and emotions.
2. 'How emotional are you?' - What 'emotional type' do you think you are.

The screen shot below is taken from 'My kleenex tissue.com'
Currently this is only available in America but it lets you create your own, personalised packaging for Kleenex tissues.

Statement of Intent and Brief
Below is what I came up with - Statement of Intent and the brief is the last page.
10 things that make a good brief...
2 - Appropriate.
3 - Defined target audience.
4 - Specified outcomes.
5 - Appropriate tone of voice.
6 - Scope for creative development.
7 - Clear deadline.
8 - Realistic expectations for timeframe.
9 - Clearly defined context.
10 - Specified deliverables.
Taking these into account, I will hopefully...be able to write a good brief.
3 Briefs
Image Module - Evaluation
The image module has given me the opportunity to develop my image based skills; prior to this I really wasn’t sure which area I preferred as a designer or which I was ‘good’ at but this had made me realise how much more comfortable I am working with image rather than type/layout.
I had two concerns before starting the module, the first being; I thought it would be completely image based i.e. I wouldn’t be able to use type/words at all but I soon realised that type can be image; the second concern was following on from this, if I couldn’t use type at all I don’t know if I’m imaginative enough? Thankfully, my concerns didn’t last long and even though I could use type in my work, I have started thinking more visually and ‘laterally’ (mainly after the 2D to 3D to 2D brief) and realised that everyones work looks different so, in this sense, I feel a lot more confident with my own work and the fact that it doesn’t matter that I aren’t very good character design etc.
An aspect of the module that I liked and had missed was week long or two week briefs. A disadvantage overall that came from this was that, because I hadn’t done it for a while, my development was lacking and I didn’t document it as well as I probably could have done. On the other hand, it was an advantage because I didn’t have enough time to worry about what idea I should develop etc. and I made decisions a lot faster than I normally do; however, at the same time it may have been a disadvantage because I rushed some things. Looking back on the amount of work I have done and some of the resolutions I have done in just a week, it will hopefully encourage me to work faster and not ponder over small things for a long time, in the future.
Although I enjoyed the shorter term briefs, I did still enjoy the final, longer negotiated brief. I knew that I wanted to work more on ‘type as image’ but wasn’t sure where to go from this; after some discussion it was decided I would use Lady Gaga lyrics. At first, I was excited about it and then the joy somewhat drifted away when I was trying to chose lyrics to base my ideas on but once I had made this decision – which took me too long – I was back to being comfortable with the brief. I wasn’t a particular fan of Lady Gaga before and I wouldn’t say this brief made me a fan but it did make me realise I don’t have to base work on things I personally 'love', to enjoy the brief; that would have probably been a bad thing as if I based the brief on one of my favourite artists, I would probably been sick of listening to them after this brief.
Overall I am pleased with the amount and the standard of work I have produced and feel that spending this time focusing on purely image has definitely helped me develop as a designer and will effect my future work in a positive way.
Negotiated Brief - 'And if I had one wish'
And if I had one wish
Yeah, you'd be it'
My primary idea was to create of typeface out of triangles, but I experimented with other things first...The first example was intentionally just to put the type in a triangle layout but I realised I could based a triangle typeface on this as its very angular.

I finally decided to resort back to my original idea of creating type out of triangles; I created the following image on photoshop...

For the final piece, I traced this onto A2...cut out each individual triangle and backed the paper with silver foiled paper to make it look like mirrors. It looks better than it sounds but I don't have a photograph of it yet...
Negotiated Brief - 'We're going nowhere fast'
'Nowhere, yeah, we're going nowhere fast'
Ultimately, I chose not to use this lyric as I had 11...and thought this was the least successful and therefore didn't develop it very far.

Negotiated Brief - 'You've been played'
'I'm looking for love, not an empty page
full of stuff that means nothing but 'you've been played'
Originally, I had chosen 'full of stuff that means nothing but you've been played' but I thought 'you've been played' on its own worked better. I wanted to play with the idea of the rest of the lyric though 'page full of stuff that means nothing but...' so this is why I used a lot of negative space to reflect 'nothing'.

The idea behind the following examples was old computers that you played simple games on, I thought it looked ok but wasn't overly enthusiastic about it.

Negotiated Brief - 'Watch your heart when we're together boys like your love me forever'
'Love it when you call me legs,
in the morning buy me eggs.
Watch your heart when we're together
boys like you love me forever.'
Instead of being typical and doing it in a heart shape or something, I chose for only the colour to reflect the 'love' idea and for the image to just be visually engaging.

Negotiated Brief - 'Glitter mixed with rock & roll'
'Hey there sugar baby
Saw you twice at the pop show
You taste just like glitter mixed with rock and roll'
I didn't pursue various ideas for this lyric because I kind of had one idea and wanted to go with it, thankfully...(in my opinion) it has worked.