This final quote was taken from the heading of 'This column will change your life'.
I did take me a Long time to think of an effective idea for this piece...and then when I thought of an idea, after working on it for a short time I realised due to the time we was pretty unrealistic to think I could pull it off well.
- The original idea was to fill a page with lines and where they 'intertwined' it would reveal a letter, but would be hard to read (so you have to put
effort in to read it)...I can't explain it very well and make it sound how I wanted it to look but the size of the quote etc. made it way too hard to do seen as it was something I would have had to experiment with because I wasn't sure to how to do it.
I decided to make it more realistic for myself...but still effective of course.
- I still really wanted to focus on making it difficult to read; Make the audience put
more effort into realising what it says, and it doesn't really have an
effect except they know what it says...
- I chose to work with dots/circles, as depending on the range you're viewing it from they can optically merge together or appear completely seperate which I find interesting.
- The reason behind the gradient was 1) because I wanted to use colour and 2) this could help in terms of effecting the llegibility.
Bigger dots;
Smaller dots;
Typeface - Helvetica bold.- I then applied a layer of text and affected one of the gradient layers to reveal the text, but I didn't want it to be really easy to read -

From the above, I prefer the second one as I think the 'optical merging' works more effectively here.
I wasn't sure whether a full page of A1 covered in dots was too much, so I simply removed the background dots layers and left the type;

For printing, just having the full opacity just made it look like a typeface made of I lowered the opacity so that you really have to focus to read it.
I haven't totally decided which one I want to print yet, but I just hope they actually work optically when printed out A1.
Fingers Crossed.