
These were the initial/rough ideas I had for a 'theme' or 'look' for the title sequence.
- The intentions for the first one were for it to look like a newspaper, and the camera would pan around the paper to reveal different stories and the picture next to the story would animate.
- The second one was supposed to look like a wall full of different shaped photo frames and the camera would do similar to newspaper ideas; move around to reveal different stories.

- The problems I had with the first idea were; if its celebrity stories, would a newspaper be the most appropriate media? The look of a gossip magazine would be more appropriate.
- The main problem with the second idea was that its been done before. The other problem was; is it likely that someone would have pictures of celebrity moments on their photo frames? Probably not.

In terms of developing my work; I pretty much took the initial idea that I had and developed it some more. Below is my (very) rough outline of my 30 frame storyboard.
...and then below is my final 30 frame storyboard.
I don't think Im going to use any photographs in the final piece, but for my storyboard, having an image there worked better to illustrate my point rather than an empty shape.

The 30 frame storyboard only shows the movement of the camera, below is (once again...Very) rough storyboards for what animation will happen in each frame.

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