Quote #2 - Maybe this is because they don't really like your friends (2)

So, here is the finished piece...
I'm not sure whether the speech bubble is classed as adding an image? But I'm gonna be a little daring and leave it on there!

I added the off white background
to this because, when printed I don't
want it to be on bright white.
The colour of the speech bubble above is
actually just the original colour of the paper
that I scanned it, so I tried in various colours
like this one below but I just didn't think
any of them worked as well;
So...I intend to print the first image (without the coloured background) on to A1 matte; I made sure I worked at A1 resolution to keep the quality!

Below is a close up to show the detail of the textures etc. as you can't really see from far away which once again, I think is nice; working with how it can look different depending on the distance you're viewing from.

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