Illustrations for animation

I have work done previous that needs uploading (i.e. rough storyboards, sketches of layout on screen etc.), however I don't have them as a digital files yet (really need to get the hand of taking photos/scanning things as I am doing them).

So, my intention for the 'look' of the animation, is to make it look like someone (the viewer) is reading a magazien with breakfast...and the camera then zooms into areas of the magazine spead, and moves around to show small/short animations to represent each of the top 10 stories.

The following elements are all seperate layers on photoshop so can be moved/changed etc.

* The toast is purple because its supposed to be blackcurrant jam...

Below is a 'mock up' of what the composition will look like, however the things I will be changing:
- The type at the top of the magazine page.
- The table cloth needs to be smaller (the squares on it)- It looks like a giants table cloth...or a tiny magazine.
- The magazine will actually be hand drawn, so it will look like it actually fits with the other illustrations unlike now. I did a vectorised version before 1) It was easier for me to work out image frame sizes etc. and 2) It illustrates my intentions for the crit.

Design decisions:
I am doing hand drawn illustrations of the 'celebrity stories' instead of using photographs because:
- I want to incorporate hand crafting with the digital software.
- I can't depend on the image resolutions of the appropriate images that I would want to use and I can't exactly take my own photographs of them (lol)

Below is basically the same thing as above, however it has images to represent where each story will go. I will be doing short image sequences to go in each of these, so that they will also fit with the look of the other illustrations.

This mock up will also help with my storyboarding, as I can clearly illustrate with screen shorts where the 'camera' will move to.

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