I wasn't sure which colours I wanted to use, so I tried a few...but in the end, I took inspiration from the colours on the Juno title sequence (possibly because they're the sort of colours i'm working with in Design for screen module)

The image that is appearing on here isn't quite right, its slightly more green on my photoshop and hopefully will be when printed...
I didn't think the solid, flat colour in the background looked completely right, so I added a bit of texture and I think that works better with the texture of the shoelaces;

Unfortunatly, due to the resolution of the photos, I can't print it at A1...and keep the quality (this is why the work is in landscape...I originally was working portrait A1 but thought the background was a bit 'too much'...so I cropped it). SO, after that confusing explanation - I intend to print it A3 and mount it towards the top of an A1 board.
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