Top 10...

By uploading it onto Issuu, it isn't playing the video...however, this is the presentation I will be using.

Also, It was initially only 9/10 slides but when exporting it as a PDF, it made all the slides with 'animations' on into seperate slides so now its about 14.

Someone said to me today "Celebrity stories? That doesn't seem like your kind of thing?". Just to confirm, yes I am one of those people that checks celebrity gossip blogs because I really am that 'cool'. lol.


  1. Its nice too se that you have clearly identified your problem. You clearly stated your intended audience and the colours which would suit the style of your work. Your understanding of the subject is also clear and shows strong direction in which your looking at working. You have shown examples of current and older motion graphics which are inspiring a direction for you to work in, however more research is needed at this crutial stage of the project (as you have also said in your above post) and on-going research is also fundamental for this work. Good too see you have already been taking down ideas on small storyboards. Very good work!

  2. Presentation assessment by Vickie and Ian.

    Problem Analysis:
    + good idea generation before final "top ten" chosen
    - no reasoning as to why final choice was made and maybe you could define what a "celeb story" is.

    Contextual Understanding:
    + good, clear audience identified
    + you showing your understanding as to who television producers would target for the programme
    - no tone of voice stated as yet in the presentation
    - 16-35 is quite a wide target audience, would 16 year olds like similar "graphics" to 35 year olds?
    _not all celebrity followers are female

    + channel research good and gives a clear context
    + good video research
    - not all videos shown are in relation to celeb stories, is this because you like the style or type etc?

    Design Direction:
    + colours chosen from existing palettes used for tv
    + good design development with storyboards
    - unclear design direction
    - what are you going to do next?

    Other Comments:
    • good direction in terms of making up your mind and progressing but some slides seem a little lost inbetween (this was clearer when you presented to us).
    more blog development
