2D to 3D to 2D - #2

What I really wanted to do was photograph the hat with an actual church in the background and using scale, composition and angle etc. make it look like the church was wearing the hat...

So, I successfully attached the hat too a pole so that it could be held up and be 'floating' to make it look like it was on the church with no strings attached...And stuffed it with carrier bags to make it look like it wasn't being warn as apposed to an empty, flimsy hat...and went to the fields at the back of my house where you can see/get to St Pauls church.

However, there were a few problems:

1) The weather...it was misty and as the weather person would say, there was 'Poor visibility' therefore; you can't really make out that there is a church in the background.

2) The graveyard...to see the church from a decent angle, I would have to photograph it from the graveyard and although its usually empty, the only time I could go to the church in daylight due to being at college etc. there were quite a lot of people there who (judging by the looks on their faces and angry pointing) found it disrespectful that I was stood there with a floating hat and a big camera :)
Now to think of another way that I can do it...

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