DVD Packaging -

So, I may have left it a little late....well, in retrospect I left it Too late. But I have done it.
This is development for my DVD packaging; I think it reflects the work thats on the DVD well and works as packaging.

Idea 1;
(Rough drawing but...) This was the initial idea that would have worked...but I wasn't too happy with the idea...so I moved it on:

Idea 2;
The idea is that its 3 parts, you fold open the first page...then fold it again to reveal the DVD. This way I can use the 'scene' from my top 10 animation.

Mock up of how the folding etc. will work;

As the magazine I have used for my animation is inside pages...I wanted to create a front page for the front of the DVD case;
Obviously, I wanted it to reflect the design direction of the rest of my Top 10 work which I feel it does because of the typefaces and textures...
And here is how it will look when folded out:

The toast and plate Is the CD...whether I will have time to print onto the CD is another story but I hope I do.
However, if I don't - This was my intention.

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