Final Crit.

'Scene' -

From the last crit, I took the advice to play around with the colours and background/tablecloth on my 'scene' for the animation; For the colours I took inspiration from the Juno title sequence as I think the subtle, rather than vivid in your face colours really work there and in this instance, I feel it still reflects a celeb magazine as it is represting last years stories (old stories) so the colours are 'worn'.
(* there is only supposed to be one slice of toast of the plate but
when I saved it as a jpeg. all the layers showed up...)


- The animations will go into the grey areas seen on the magazine, apart from the top right hand corner where - due to the animation I'm using, it has to go on top.
- As it is evident, the full title for the proposed programme isn't seen on this screen shot - This is because it is 'written' at the end in a similar way to the following animation but (obviously) a lot more 'polished' - It will read 'Top 10 (Celeb stories) of 2009'

Animations -

The quality is...quite awful because its youtube and I didn't export them at the highest resolution.

Tiger Woods test -

MJ test -

Chris Brown and Rihanna test -

Brittany Murphy test -

SuBo test (for some reason this is
playing really isn't meant to and won't
on the final lol)-

Jordan and Peter test -

Kanye West storms VMA's test -

RATM and Joe McElderry test -

(There are earlier posts on my blog which kind of show what I am doing with the Lady Gaga story and Christian Bale story but I haven't exported more tests yet)

Music Choice -

DVD Interface -
I wanted to keep my interface pretty simple as it isn't seen for a long time, it is just used to direct the audience around the DVD but it still reflects my design direction.

I'm still kind of undecided as to whether or not to include the star strip (seen on the first image below) - I could animate this coming across and make it more visually engaging, but I don't know if it would be appropriate.
Below is a rough mock up of how the start menu could look - The typeface is the one which I used on my title sequence, however in this case i'm not sure if its too informal?
I intend to play around with the colour of the type and possibly add textures similar to which I used in my title sequence.

The sequence of images below shows how I intend to show progression through the sub-menus (i.e. When you click on 'Top 10' it takes you to another menu etc.)
Its a simple idea but I think it works quite well, is light hearted and quite funny.

So...5 Questions I would like response to:
1- Do you think my music choice is appropriate to the subject matter?

2- Do you think the mixture of animation styles will let the sequence down?

3- Are the colours on the magazine layout working, as apposed to my original more vivid colour pallette?

4- Is the typeface used for the DVD interface appropriate or too childish?

5- Are the DVD interfaces too simple?


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