Eyechart #2 - Final

My final decision was that I didn't really want to print out my final (unless the hand-drawn one looked Awful) but I feel my decision to hand-draw it was appropriate to my object - a biro as it is a drawing tool...therefore I went with this.

The composition printed on 4 A4's to trace;

It was quite a time consuming process, obviously a lot longer
than it would have been to draw one, scan it and copy and
paste it (i'm not saying this a bad way to do it by any means!)
but I am pleased with my end piece so I feel it was worth it (I hope)

This need re-photographing but it illustrates
the final piece...
Although I am happy with the piece...I can already predict that my feedback will be that a lot of the lines aren't readable from 20ft; this is my own fault...but I still like it :)

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