Finished Rationale

Brief Title: Top 10 Celebrity Stories of 2009.

Subject & Rationale (including themes, target audience, tone of voice)
Having chosen the 'Top 10' brief, I intend to create a 50 second title sequence for a show with the title 'Top 10 Celebrity Stories of 2009'. To create a socially relevant piece, I need to research what were the most popular or most read celebrity/gossip stories of the last year, for example; the Tiger Woods affairs and the death of Michael Jackson.
It will be aimed at a UK audience, therefore the stories chosen need to be about celebrities that are actually well known over here otherwise it isn't going to make people want to watch it.
As previously mentioned, it will be aimed at a UK audience, but more specifically; women aged 16 - 35.
The tone of voice will be light hearted, humourous (where appropriate) and portray 'easy watching' similar to other programmes on the intended viewing channel of BBC three (Shows such as 'Most annoying people of 2009').

Design Direction:

In terms of colour, I intend to keep it relevant to the 'world of celebrity' and take inspiration from celebrity gossip magazines such as heat! and OK etc. Therefore pink will more than likely be apparent.
I will use upbeat music to portray the tone of the programme, keep the audience interested and in a 'happy' mood.
I want to keep quite a 'hand-rendered' feel to the whole title sequence as I don't think a highly vectorised look would suite the subject and it will also reflect me as a designer. Also, I intend to use a variety of textures or patterns as apposed to using a completely flat colour as I think this will complement the hand-rendered drawings.

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