Book Works - Final things to print

I primarily did the variety of postcards using block colour on the text;

I then replaced the colour with patterns from the inside of envelopes. I chose this pattern to;
- Add texture to a flat postcard.
- Make them more visually engaging.
- Envelopes come in the post - postcards are sent in the post - its all relative!
- The colour was altered on the pattern so that the darkest shade of the pattern was the same as the block colour examples above.

(To be printed on Matt white card)
I decided to call the book 'I can't believe I didn't say this sooner' - another song lyric - because I thought it worked well with the idea of sending postcards.
I will print the following image on A4 - double sided (the left hand side is the cover, the riht hand side will be where I glue the cardboard to make the book), dove grey paper (similar grey to the colour printed on the postcard) and bind the book using this as the cover to be glued on.
...That isn't worded very well, but basically - this is cover.

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