Design direction...

Using the cut out images that I had, I did a quick mock up of a collage idea to show Nichola and to take to the crit...
(I moved moved Sid Vicious and Lonnie Donegan so
that Sid wasn't right next to Johnny rotten)

We decided early on that we wanted to use the colours from the logo (Red, blue and white) and duotone (with black) seemed the best way to incorporate this (Once again, this was first shown on the earlier poster - 'Design direction possibilities').

I wasn't totally sure how I could use the three colours and make it work with the image as a whole.
When I did it before for the 'imaginary bands' it was a lost easier as their were less images.
I tried doing the colour it in the same way as that for this larger image but it just wasn't working very well, then I had the idea of incorporating the logo and letting ths depend where the colour went;

I am really pleased with how the initial mock up turned out:

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