For 'images' #1...

We both decided that for the image aspect of the brief, we would focus on imagery of the artists that are exhibited at the British Music Experience.

(We kind of played around with this before, with the imaginary bands - see 'Design Direction possibility' post below)

Instead of doing it all bit by bit, I collected a variety of images that I could use.

As the images were taken from the internet, I have considered;

- The majority of them are 72 dpi and therefore the print resolution won't be great.
- They are all simply taken from google images (not the most sophisticated image library! But the most accessible for images of British artists.) therefore there may be copyright issues...but technically we are only using them to illustrate our ideas and if the BME would ever want to carry this idea forward, they would use their own images that they own so it shouldn't be a problem.

(Click on the image to make it bigger)

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