
To prepare for the crit, me and Nichola decided to produce a set of 'worksheets'...really just printing off photos, some research and drawing up initial ideas. Nichola did the first one, so she came up with the layout and chose the typeface etc. which made my life easier! ha.

It was my responsibility to type up the re-written brief and concept statement and produce the following worksheets;

I found that 'Think farm' designed the logo and all material for the original launch campaign in 2009...Its interesting to see that, although some of it has changed or isn't used as much any more...its still just put in same place - around the o2.
It also informed me that the British Music Exhibition got permission for Noddy Holder to use 'C'mon feel the noise' as one of their main straplines - me and Nichola agree that capitilizing on the use of lyrics assosciated with the exhibition is an effective way of working.
For this I simply tried to think of some of the most memorable/successful promotional campaigns and presented the first ones I came up with; Nike 'Just do it', the iPod silhouettes and the christmas Coca Cola 'Holidays are coming' shows how important stand out visuals or memorable taglines are.
This one is quite self explanatory; images a 'possible media and places' that the campaign could go.

(Will put up photos of other worksheets; drawing of initial ideas and worksheets produced by Nichola)

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