Nuts and Daily Sport newspapers

There a lot of aspects that I liked about Nuts, in terms of informing me of what the audience are the interested in - As I have stated in a previous post though, I don't really like the graphical approach - I think if the style was applied to packaging, as it will be, it could look quite cheap yet understated especially with the generic typefaces etc.
The main aspects/sections that I liked were;
- Humour - i.e. Little Britain, 'Your jokes', 'Famous Bloke jokes', 'Camera phone comedy'.
- The shock factor - Dramatic images of the ash clouds, the picture of the mans hand that was attacked by a dog.
- Games - Halo, Playstation 3...
- Type used on the girls pages 'Eva's big boob blowout' - 'in your face', attention grabbing.
- Sport - Football, football humour (man love corner)
- Pub Ammo - This was part that really stood out to me, although it wasn't a particularly large section it was something I could imagine men remembering.

Firstly, I thought page 3 made me feel a bit uncomfortable in the average tabloid newspaper...but its nothing compared to the Sport.
I would say that the audience for this paper is probably exclusively men as there isn't really a page with 'news' on it, without there being a naked girl right next to it, and it covers bizarre stories such as 'Channelle wants to see Cheryl naked', and has sections like 'MILF talk'.
In terms of content...I don't think I will be taking a great deal of inspiration from these, as it is quite explicit to go on mainstream tissue packaging.
However, I may use some of the images for reference if I decided to use 'girls' as a selling point in the design direction and some of the language could be helpful, as it is talking to males so it would benefit in terms of 'speaking there language' or using word play, for example they had a section titled 'Stupid Punt'...and then article was about betting, so it sounds like swearing...but isn't.
Also, the personal ad pages were something I contemplating using as a 'look' to attract attention - I may develop this idea, or at least try it.

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