Lyrics and Type colours

While I was 'tightening' up my briefs so that they were more specific, I decided I should choose the limited colours that I would use for my lyrics and type prints before I start designing them so that I don't spend hours deciding afterwords and then they will all be the same. When looking over the Lyrics and Type Verse 2 prints, I realised they were actually 3 colour...not two colour like I previously said. This isn't a problem, I just changed it on the brief.

I do think people will disagree with the way that I have chosen my colours but I couldn't think of any other way to see if the colours work well together before actually having my own I just took some of the prints from the existing exhibition and changed the colours of them to see what I 'liked'. (Numskulls print and Drew Millward's print).

I have a 'thing' for this shade of green at the moment...which is probably obvious throughout my otherwork. I will probably get over soon...

I also realised I needed to determine what size they would be.
I didn't want a generic A size, so I tried to work out the size of the prints from the existing exhibition. If I assume I will be working to A2 scale, the size will then be H - 52cm (like A2) and W - 31cm.
I just think this will make them look more interesting.

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