Lyrics and type problem...

Well, as I had chosen groups of songs to research further...I have now looked through all the lyrics to these songs and highlighted the lines from the song that I think could be pursued...

However, I don't feel motivated by any of these sets of 10...and therefore, I wouldn't be completely happy with them in the end.
I feel the reason I am not motivated by them is that I have enforced the taxonomy restriction on myself as apposed to it being set by a client...and then I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, whereas now I can do something about it.

In order to have a set of 10 prints that I want to put in my portfolio, I think the way to motivate myself would be to use lyrics that I like.

Additionally, something that I realised - I have written this brief based on the Lyrics and Type exhibition...where all the artists got to choose what lyrics they wanted to use.
And, the focus of this brief is working with a limited colour pallette, digital illustration And design for print.

When I wrote this brief I was excited...when I started looking at the restricted lyrics, I wasn't excited. I really need to address this a.s.a.p so that I can start designing.

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