To final plan for Manchester book fair

The more I looked at it, the less I liked the quotes nevermind the typeface! I didn't think they worked very well together...and the long quote on the front cover wasn't going to work - it was too much and didn't look anything like a book cover.

I didn't completely scrap everything...I will still use quotes from the list that I wrote a while ago and it will still be the same folded poster. I will just change the type...
The front cover of the actual book will now be a love heart, and there will a belly band around it with the title on it 'We were so stupidly happy' and instructions of how to open the booklet/poster.

The quotes will then be:
1. just didn't work out
2. I didn't take it all
3. We were hopeless romanctics
4. (Poster) It was too much, too young.

I ALSO want to revert back to the ribbon type. I think I was being lazy before when I changed my mind, because I knew I would have to work more to make it look like actual ribbon, but it in the long run - I think it would pay off!

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